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Here are the guidelines for the PLM Admission Test to be administered online on Friday, May 7, 2021, from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m.

Please refer to this link for the specific Zoom room assignments:


Applicants are advised to enter the Zoom room before 8:00 a.m. and immediately change his/her username following this format: Last Name, First Name, and Middle Name, and applicant Number (Ex: DELA CRUZ, JUAN G_2021000001).

Detailed instructions will be provided prior to distributing the exam questions. Answers must be submitted by 11:00 a.m.

Pre-Test Reminders

  1. Ensure that you have already downloaded the Zoom App.
  1. Answers may be computerized or handwritten.
  1. If using a computer, you will use a Word document to write your answers.
  1. If handwritten, be ready with clean sheets of intermediate or bond paper and black or blue ballpoint pen.
  1. You may use a laptop, desktop computer, tablet, or any smart gadget.
  1. Do not open any other tabs or windows apart from what is required while taking the test as this may affect your connectivity.
  1. Dress appropriately.
  1. Turn on your device camera but mute your microphone. Do not turn off your video or unmute your microphone at any time during the exam.
  1. Please attend to your personal necessities before the start of the exam.
  1. Listen carefully to the instructions of the exam proctor. Use the Zoom chat box for questions or clarifications.


Click the next button to read the pre-test reminders: